Piazza Venezia, Rome, Italy, January 2014
\getcloser100 Day ?
Can you please consider adding an option to turn off the center square (focus square) in the X100S optical viewfinder in a future firmware update?
The optical viewfinder is good, but the center square is distracting. Please see the Leica M3 viewfinder for a good example.
Thank you,
With Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec’s Ritratto di Carmen Gaudin, 1885, olio su tavola. Collezione Ailsa Mellon Bruce, 1970.17.85. More information about the exhibition.
http://getcloser.magnumphotos.com/ continues showing the first photos from the campaign instead of new ones. No matter! More Brussels. \getcloser100 Day 75.
http://getcloser.magnumphotos.com/ is still glitching showing the first photos from the campaign instead of new ones, so here’s one from Brussels until they sort things out.
Nicolai Hartvig:
MARRAKESH — On a recent morning here at the new Marrakesh Museum of Photography and Visual Art, several women in colorful niqabs strode up to see images of themselves on a wall of 78 portraits taken by the American photographer Susan Meiselas. Some laughed and took pictures of each other with the art. Others hugged the photographer, who was present. And one woman, upon finding her sister’s portrait, protested that the picture should be removed.
The portraits are part of a project conceived by the Magnum cooperative and the museum — a three-month-old institution whose permanent building is scheduled to open in 2016 — in a country where photography is viewed with suspicion.
The MMPVA has set up inside the historic El Badi Palace, in a space granted rent-free for five years by the Moroccan minister of culture, Mohamed Sbihi, on the simple condition that it keeps mounting exhibitions.
Art smiled as I saw Van Gogh on the streets, discovered Sixto Rodriguez’s music, felt The Wall (Pink Floyd.), read Asimov’s The Last Question and continue reading E.H. Gombrich’s The Story of Art as well as Richard Kalvar’s Earthlings, bought during a week in Paris. Best film watched in 2013: Wim Wenders’ Wings of Desire.
Astronomical Events, two of them: The Chelyabinsk meteor and learning how Erastothenes measured the circumference of the earth over two thousand years ago through Carl Sagan’s Cosmos series (Video.).
People like Edward Snowden, Laura Poitras and Glenn Greenwald who are making our world better by shining a light on its dark places. (Sorry, Pope Francis — if only you had dissolved one more organized religion)
About one year ago in the second minute of 1 January 2013 in Campo de’ Fiori, Rome (not my best photograph of 2013).
In 2014: Read more fiction, stay curious, do real work, and don’t forget life is once, forever.