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Monday, 5 April 2010

Unauthorized Access of Charlie's Email Account

Frankie, not sure if you heard, but there’s been UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS of Charlie’s email account, attack vector originating in Mainland China.

Do you know anything about this, Franco?

Or maybe you are PARTYING SO MUCH that keeping an eye on security announcements is just NOT SO IMPORTANT FOR YOU anymore?

Why am I the one sitting here, during my VACATION Frankie, writing this? Where is Sanchez!? Aren’t the boys back at the lab in Base Bristol supposed to be on ALERT? Why do we fund that goddamned operation? I’m on fucking vacation in ‘Nam and I’m the first one to respond to this after Charlie writes out of the blue sky?

What is this? Some sort of JOKE?

Anyways, get a report in first thing tomorrow morning, and say hello to the family in the Big Apple for me. And keep taking those pictures. As you can see, I’m KNOWN in NYC, Frankie. You are too. So make sure you don’t get too plastered and FORGET about business. Your face on federal posters all over Manhattan would be the WRONG KIND OF KNOWN and BAD for business, as is Charlie’s PRIVATE FUCKING EMAIL ACCOUNT sending MASS ELECTRONIC SHOPPING emails to everyone in the fucking planet.


Commentary for Unauthorized Access of Charlie's Email Account

1 On 2010.04.05 at 20:07 GMT thus spake Charlie:

Jimmy, just so you know, my people tell me Frankie may have been involved in this attack. I expect you clear out this mess. I’m sick of putting up with his shit!!!

2 On 2010.04.13 at 03:54 GMT thus spake FRANKIE.:

hey hey HEY!!!!

what are all these ACCUSATIONS Charlie??!!??

For your INFORMATION I have been vacationing myself in New York, and didn’t hear about this FIASCO until a few days ago.

My boys tell me that it may have been that gang from CHINA that is behind this… whatever the case NEVER STAB LA FAMIGLIA IN THE BACK! DONT FORGET IT CHARLIE, or people may get MAD! and by PEOPLE, I mean ME!!!!!!

Ill send a CHOPPER over with some of my people to look into this MESS.
In the meanwhile, be DISCRETE about communications!